• Namangan city, Islam Karimov street, 12 house
  • +998 (69) 234-14-30
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Process for employees to appeal on employee rights

The institute as an organization has a policy of equality in pay scale.

In order to realize equal rights and opportunities for women and men in labor relations, the Institute provides the following:

equal opportunities for women and men in employment;

equal pay (reward) to women and men for equal work and an equal approach to assessing the quality of work of women and men;

equal opportunities for promotion, retraining and professional development;

equal rights of women and men, given the preferential rights established by law in case of changes in the organization of work, the number (status) of employees or changes in the nature of work due to a reduction in the volume of work, or the termination of the employment contract;

to introduce and develop practices for social protection and support of the family that can be used by women and men with children, to create comfortable working conditions for pregnant and lactating women;

safe working conditions that ensure life and health of women and men, including reproductive functions;

that in labor relations, inappropriate treatment leading to violation of the dignity of individuals or creation of discriminatory working conditions is not allowed;

creation of equal conditions for women and men to carry out work activities, participation in community life along with family obligations, including creation of conditions by establishing and expanding the network of child care institutions that provide opportunities for work.

This is stipulated in the Law on Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men.



Vice-rector for Financial Affairs:    P.Karaev


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