• Namangan city, Islam Karimov street, 12 house
  • +998 (69) 234-14-30
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The main purpose of the department

    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2018 "On additional measures to increase the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country" 3775 - to establish separate groups for the most talented students selected during the 1st year in each higher education institution (the number of students in these groups is determined by the higher education institution), to teach them separately from the 2nd year implementation on the basis of curricula and programs, targeted admission of students of this category to the master's degree and through this, introduction of a system of training qualified personnel for the departments of higher education institutions, attracting and directing talented students to targeted scientific activities in the institute, departments and faculties is to coordinate the work being carried out.

Main tasks:

  - preparation of proposals for creating conditions for the intellectual potential of talented students at the institute, for obtaining deep knowledge and developing their abilities;

  - to involve professors and teachers of the institute with high knowledge and qualifications in individual work with talented students;

 - preparation of proposals for the broad involvement of talented students in scientific and research work in the priority areas of science development;

   - formation of a bank of talented students in the institute and its monitoring;

  - developing proposals for the development of special educational programs, modern information and pedagogical technologies for gifted students;

   - preparation of proposals for the promotion of talented students who have achieved high results in scientific research and professors and teachers attached to them;

  - organization, coordination and management of scientific cooperation with higher education institutions, scientific research institutes to further expand the activities of talented students of the departments of the institute;

   - drawing up annual and perspective plans for the organization of the activities of talented students with the wide involvement of the scientific community of the institute and submitting them to the discussion of the Council of the institute. Control of the execution of approved plans;

  - leading the development of rating plans for talented students at the institute and its monitoring;

  - to lead the organization of the analysis processes of the annual reports of talented students on scientific-research works.

   - to form the annual report on the activity of the talented students of the institute and bring it to the board of the institute for discussion;

 - to provide information about talented students and their activities on the official website of the institute;

   - development of proposals for the training of qualified, comprehensively mature personnel that meet the requirements of customers.

 Principles of selection of gifted students

     The search for talented students is carried out from the first days of study and in the process of career guidance.

    Students who have achieved a high rating in all subjects and who wish to study on the basis of a special program, pass special (specialization) tests.

    Students who have successfully passed special tests and are inclined to carry out scientific work according to their wishes, to study a foreign language, information technology, fundamental and special subjects based on an in-depth program, are recognized as "Talented students".

Talented students must meet the following requirements:

• mastering subjects at a high level;

• thoroughly master one (several) foreign languages;

• have a high level of computer literacy;

• to have the characteristics of independent thinking, expressing new thoughts and opinions, and applying them in practice;

• It is necessary to have the ability to acquire independent knowledge in the field and quickly acquire the news in the field of science.

     It is necessary for a talented student to complete his special educational and creative work in full and within the specified time, to be an example to other students in studying and performing creative work.



Rahmanov is the son of Rahimjon Ravshanbek

every day (except Sunday): 15.00-17.00.

Phone: 94 504 14 24

E-mail: rahimjon1424rr@gmail.com

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