• Namangan city, Islam Karimov street, 12 house
  • +998 (69) 234-14-30
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Goals and tasks of the personnel department

Participation in the selection and placement of professors-teachers, administrative-management, engineering-technical, teaching-assistant staff who are part of the organizational structure of the institute. Formalization of labor contracts between each employed employee and pedagogue-employee and worker-employee, employee's work notebooks and activity orders; Preparation of draft orders on hiring, transfer to another job, release from duties of teaching staff and workers, educational assistants and administrative staff of the institute in the established order; To analyze the dissatisfaction of teachers and workers, to improve the quality of staff and to maintain them, to establish data for use, as well as other performance indicators; Assistance in the organization of state certification of faculty and staff of the institute, as well as the dean and deputy dean of the faculty; Making a proposal to the management regarding the formation and use of the personnel reserve included in the institute's nomenclature; Making proposals to the management in organizing the work of awarding the employees of the institute with ministry and network awards; Based on the decision of the State Attestation Commission, persons who mastered the requirements of the state educational standards and all the subjects specified in the curriculum at the bachelor's and master's levels of the institute, who have completed the state requirements and the curriculum of professional development and retraining courses according to the order, to issue a diploma, diploma applications of the sample approved by the state; Accepting and formalizing personal documents of applicants for study in the established order and keeping them according to the specified period; Sends answers to the questionnaires of the relevant bodies regarding the document on the information provided by the institute (diploma, diploma annex), as well as to all questionnaires of the institute in the established order; A graduate who has mastered all the subjects specified in the state education standards and curriculum of the bachelor's and master's stages of the institute and issues them a state-approved diploma, diploma applications; Duties of the department's employees are to select together with the management of the institute the composition of administrative-management, engineer-technical teaching-assistant and administrative-economy staff included in the Rector's nomenclature and formalize it based on the norms of labor legislation; Organization of recruitment of employees of the institute under the nomenclature of the rector, transfer to another permanent job and formalization of the termination of the employment contract in time, as well as submission of documents for approval of the employees belonging to the nomenclature of the higher office; Control of personal documents of students and employees of the institute; Controlling the statistical and personal accounts of the institute's employees based on the established regulatory documents; Controlling the maintenance of labor records in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Decision-making in accordance with the labor legislation on the employment of employees according to the staff schedule, transfer to another permanent job, termination of the employment contract; Participation in the organization of supervision of employees' observance of labor discipline and internal labor rules together with the trade union of the institute; To form an information-analytical database of graduates who have mastered all the subjects indicated in the state education standards and curriculum of the institute's bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as the formalization of diplomas and diploma applications approved by the state. Timely preparation of all types of information requested by employees.




Soliyev Ahmadjon Mahamadovich

every day (except Sunday): 15.00-17.00.

Phone: 94 550 02 04

E-mail: Sahmadjon1605@gmail.com

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