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SDG. 5.3.4 encourage applications by women in subjects

In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2021 "On measures to further improve the system of supporting women and ensuring their active participation in society" No. to increase the activity of girls, provide all-round assistance to ensure their education and professional skills and employment, further support of business initiatives, formation of "Women's Register" in local areas and systematic study, analysis and solution of the problems, needs and interests of women included in it in order to qualitatively bring the work to a new level, as well as in accordance with the state program on the implementation of the "2017-2021 Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the "Year of supporting youth and strengthening the health of the population":

The State Target Fund for Women and Family Support The following activities will be carried out through the State Target Fund for Women and Family Support:

to pay the down payment for housing to women in difficult social situations, including persons with disabilities, women raising children with disabilities, low-income women, raising children in single-parent families, and women in need of improving housing conditions;

assistance in financing activities related to all-round support of women, health care, development of women's sports, improvement of work and study conditions;

placement of resource funds in commercial banks in order to fully support women's business initiatives;

to help finance activities related to creating the necessary conditions for women to acquire knowledge and skills in occupations that are in high demand in the labor market.





Vice-rector for Academic Affairs: Q.Inoyatov


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